1. What is the start date of school?  Wednesday Sept. 16, 2020 for all student remotely. Here is the link from the DOE website with up to date information https://www.schools.nyc.gov/school-year-20-21/return-to-school-2020/welcome-to-the-2020-2021-school-year
  2. What time will the school day begin for the students? Currently, the school day will begin at 8:30 a.m.  Doors will open at 8:25 a.m. 
  3. How will daily health screenings take place Students temperature will be taken prior to entrance into the building  
  4. What are the Cohort A and Cohort B days for in person learning? For September Cohort A will come to school on Sept. 22, 23, 29 & 30    Cohort B will come to school on Sept. 21, 24 & 25. We will post an updated calendar on our school website.
  5. Will students have masks breaks? Yes, during the day the students will have a mask break.  The ideal masks break will take place outside where students in a class will be socially distant. Mask breaks may happen in the classroom with the windows opened during inclement weather.  
  6. Will Pre-K need to wear masks all day? Yes, pre-k students will need to wear masks all day; with masks breaks during the day ideally outside.  
  7. Is there bus service? As of right now we don’t know anything about bus service. Once we have guidance from the DOE and OPT we will provide it to our parents  
  8. What doors will the students be using for arrival in the morning? Arrival doors will be labeled for each grade. Our plan is to use 4 doors in the morning to allow for a quicker and safer entrance. A list of doors will be sent out prior to the first day arrival  
  9. What doors will the students be using for dismissal in the afternoon? As in years past we will be using several assigned dismissal doors.  Signs will be posted prior to the opening of school.  Please adhere to social distancing and pick up and once you have your child we are asking you to leave the premise. A list of doors will be sent out prior to the first day arrival  
  10. If my child is fully remote will their teacher be from PS 144?  As of right now we assigned them a PS 144 teacher; but that might change depending on the guidance from the DOE. 
  11. I requested a DOE issued Ipad/tablet and still have not received it? The school unfortunately, does not have any technology to hand out.  We are awaiting guidance if the DOE will issue the technology once again. 
  12. Will be my child still be able to eat breakfast in school? School breakfast is provided for all students that would like to have a breakfast at school.  It will be a Grab and Go breakfast. The student will take a bag breakfast and eat in their classroom.  There will be no hot food for breakfast. 
  13. Where will the students eat lunch and will lunch be provided from the school? Students will be provided a half hour instructional lunch time in their classrooms.  A bag lunch will be provided to the student if they need and/or want a school lunch.  Students will either wash their hands with soap and water prior to lunch if there is a sink in their classroom or be provided with a squirt of hand sanitizer prior to eating. They will be taken their masks off to eat lunch.  The teacher will have an N95 mask on at the time. 
  14. Will my child be permitted to use the bathroom during the day? Students in Pre-K and K have bathrooms in their classrooms and can use the bathroom anytime during the school day.  Students in Grades 1 – 5 can also go to the bathroom at any time during the school day.  They will be asked to use the hand sanitizer prior to leaving the classroom and upon returning to the classroom.  They will be reminded of proper hand washing throughout the day.  A staff member will be outside of the bathrooms to monitor how many students are in the bathroom at a time.   
  15. Will there be a revised suggested school supply list for remote students?  For now, do not go out and buy more than you had for Spring. 
  16. When will we be notified who my childs teacher is? Teacher notifications were sent out via regular mail- subject to change as per the growing numbers of changes in classes. 
  17. When will we receive a schedule for online class times? Schedule is forthcoming. As we are awaiting guidance from the DOE.   
  18. I signed up for blended learning and want to change to Full Remote. Can I do this? Yes at any time you can move to Full Remote learning.  A parent must complete this form https://www.nycenet.edu/surveys/learningpreferenceand also email the school to let us know.
  19. Can I go from Full Remote to Blended Learning?  If you signed up your child for Full Remote Learning; the next opportunity for them to change to Blended Learning will be November.  
  20.  If my G/T student is going Full Remote will they be taught by a G and T teacher? As of right now your child is assigned a teacher (not a G and T teacher) unless further direction is given by the DOE.
  21. If my G/T child is in a Blended Cohort will my Remote teacher by a licensed G and T teacher? As of right now your child is assigned a teacher (not a G and T teacher) unless further direction is given by the DOE